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Boxthorn Puller      Tree/Post Puller

The puller can remove Boxthorn, Lantana, Gorse & Briar Rose, Grape Vines, Small Trees, Timber Fence Posts, Star Droppers, etc.  

It's designed to allow you to remove an entire bush or small tree, including the root system to prevent regrowth.


The Boxthorn Puller removes the bush completely - roots & all!

Boxthorn Puller


Attaches to the front of a Front End Loader

Uses 2 off 2.5 x 6 Hydraulic Cylinders to work the scissors action.

Can be attached to a front end loader / bobcat up to 150HP.


Rugged construction with braced steel jaws.

Price: $3,960 (including GST) 


(Price does not include Hitch Kit or flat face couplings if required)

African boxthorn is a member of the Solanaceae family, which includes other plants such as silverleaf nightshade, tobacco and tomatoes. African boxthorn is an aggressive invader of pastures,

roadsides, reserves........

Quick Hitch Kits - available:   

Euro  $ 220.00 a kit (incl GST)

Custom Quick Hitch Kits can be made to order

Post Puller, Tree Puller


All the features of the Boxthorn Puller, as well as:

Heavy Duty Construction
Heavier Mounting Plates, Bigger Shaft Sizes
Strengthening Plate for Mounting Hydraulic Cylinders
Saw Teeth - fully welded to heavy walled RHS
Manufactured to Pull larger bushes and small trees, timber fence, vine posts and boxthorn.

Attaches to the front of a Front End Loader

Uses 2 off 2.5 x 6 Hydraulic Cylinders to work the scissors action.


Rugged construction with braced steel jaws.


Price: $4,620 (including GST) 


(Price does not include Hitch Kit or flat face couplings if required)

Boxthorns can be killed by spraying, however after 1-2 years, strong winds can cause spreading of the plants.  

The Boxthorn Puller is an effective method of removal, as the bush can be piled up and burnt to eradicate the problem.


View the Video below to see how effective both devices are:

Image Gallery of the Boxthorn Puller and Post/Tree Puller


The Box Thorn Puller weighs 200 kg, and only takes up half a pallet.  

We can arrange freight from Geelong to a business address in your town, during business hours, with access to a forklift.



Thankyou for your enquiry. We will be in touch very shortly.


“We purchased the Boxthorn Puller to clean up a lot of our Boxthorns; we seem to have major Boxthorn problem on our farm, and so far we are very pleased with the ease of operation, and how good it pulls the Boxthorns out.  The main feature we like is that once you pull the Boxthorn out, you can then take it over and put it in a heap or something, and you can burn them, whereas with a blade or something you’ve gotta shift it in other ways, so it works really well!”

David Price, Arno Bay

Eyre Penninsula, South Australia

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